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My project in ETEC 544:Design and Development of Instructional Materials I

Reflection: ETEC 544 provide me a lot of thoughtful knowledge about instructional design. This course started with fundamental knowledge about learning theories like behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism. After we having those theories in our mind, we continued with the main content of this course, which is Design. At the beginning, I felt struggle with the difference between conduct the research and design. When my team started from analysis phase, we found a hard time to clearly stated " Who, what and how" of our project. However, after a couple times of critique in the class with the instructor and other classmates. The whole process was going very well and success.


My team project: Our project is aim to help kindergarten students to meet the grade level by the end of school year, which is read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). The program we used for this project is called Smart Notebook


Participants:The participants will be for kindergarten students in groups of four at the ages of five and six with one student being at a high academic level, two students being at a medium academic level and one student being at a low academic level.


Objectives: In the span of 2 weeks, kindergarteners at all academic levels will be able to increase by a minimum of 5 high-frequency words by sight with the use of Can You Find the Word? program during a small group independent practice.


Implementation:The course will be delivered in a classroom setting during centers which are an independent learning time. One of the centers will be the program. The teacher will meet students at the SmartBoard and model how to use the program. Students will use the program with teacher monitoring and helping when needed. This will occur for two days. From then on, students will use the program independently.


Evaluation: We have pre and post test assigned to participants before and after the program implementation. The result shows that participants got average growth in 7 sight words by using this program. Also, we have interview all the participants and got all postive feedback.

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