Xian Chen's e-portfolio

The definition of Instructional Technology
The field of instructional technology is developing year by year. For the early definition, instructional technology represents certain media that can use for instruction. Start with visual instruction and then shift to audiovisual instruction.For the latest definition, AECT updated it as " Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.", which we can see is much more different from previous definition. The key difference is the definition becomes more detailed and accurate. The definition changes along with the innovation of technology and the way of people thinking.
IT History
Instructional Technology started to develop from the mid-20th century. The growth has been marked by the innovation of media and the technical advancement of hardware. In the 1930s, overhead projector, initially used for military training and quickly spread to school
During World War II--a period of expansion in military and industrial research--marked the confluence of audiovisual and instructional technology. From the 1950s to the 1960s, ISD has brought to the field of educational technology. Behaviorism learning theory has become the first learning theory of the field, then more other instructional technology concepts and learning theories have exited to guide peopel how to create effective instruction by using appropriate technological tools and resources. Until now, instructional technology has been further developed along with the advancement of technology. Schools and companies were starting to operate their instruction and trainer with mobile devices, virtual and augmented reality and more advanced technology tools which makes the learning process more effective than ever.

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Foremost Contributors in the field of Instructional Technology
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner , was an American psychologist , behaviorist , author, inventor, and social philosopher.
Skinner is famed psychologist associated with behaviorism and regarded as the farther of Operant Conditioning. He believed that leaning behavior is modified by the reinforcement or punishment. To provide positive reinforcement by complimenting, encouraging and applauding students in order to alter their behavior in a desired manner.
Robert Gagne ( 1916-2022)was an American educational psychologist best known for his Conditions of Learning. His was also well-known for his nine-event of instruction.
Gagné's work had a great influence on American education and on military and industrial training. He advocated that learning is shaped by both internal and external conditions. His nine events of instruction model provide a framework for instructor, trainer and instructional design to develop strategies and create activities for an effective learning process .

​Learning Theory
Behavioral learning theory is the first theory that brought into the field of instructional design, and learners' behavior is effected from outside environment, and also shaped by reinforcement and punishment. Learner is essential passive and responding to environmental stimuli. Behaviorism focuses on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic.(Schuman, 1996)
Cognitivism believes that learning is not directly affected from external environment, but focusing on learners' internal process of learning.People are not just merely respond to the environmental stimuli and require active participation to learn and gain the knowledge. It's necessary to understand how people learn, and the mental process need to be explored.
Constructivism believes that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. ((Driscoll, 2018). Learner can be engaged in the learning process and the learning is influenced by interaction of prior knowledge and new events. "Scaffolding" is the key term of this learning theory. Compare to learning individually, learner can learn more by working with instructor or other advanced students.
My Educational Philosophy
Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism are the three important learning theories that influence the field of instructional design historically and currently (Ertmer & Newby 2013).From these three learning theories, I prefer to use constructivism in my philosophy of education. Constructivism advocated under the guidance of teacher, it was focusing on learner-center learning. Learner always benefits more from this learning process. I think learners' motivation is important no matter in learning or teaching, it also shows a positive attitude on obtain knowledge. Meanwhile, learners became the subject of information processing and active construction of meaning, no longer being passive recipients of external stimuli and infused objects.
Schuman, L. (1996). Perspectives on instruction. [On-line].Available:http://edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/edtec540/Perspectives/Perspectives.html
Driscoll, M. P. (2018).Psychological Foundations of Instructional Design. In R. A. Reiser & John V. D. (Eds.)Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.,pp.53-66).